Thursday, May 21, 2009

Our Inspiration!

I've been an absentee blogger. I had finals but now they are over and I intend on spending my 10 class-free days engulfed in music and leisurely reading. To kick it all off before the Memorial Day weekend, here's some knowledge brought to you by Dwele.

Some more Anjulie for you as well!
Anjulie | Day Will Soon Come

And just for fun...some Pitbull to get the Latin vibes flowing! FYI be prepared for some Puerto Rican craziness soon as June is fast approaching!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


My new favorite artist...this song tells my secrets, enjoy!

Anjulie | Love Songs

Monday, May 4, 2009

Poor Pigs

Let's take a second to evaluate the topic of the moment, shall we? The Swine flu is a strain of the flu virus that is normally found in swine a.k.a pigs. Contrary to what many may believe, it is not a new entity and has in fact been around since about 1918 when pigs first got sick at the same time at which many humans got sick. Kind of mind blowing, right? Especially when considering the ridiculous reactions some are having to the new 2009 outbreak.

What the masses fail to realize is that all flu viruses can kill if left untreated in certain situations. That cough, runny nose, and fever you had two-three months ago could have been the end for you if it wasn't for a highly developed immune system and the luxury of cold & flu medications. Just because Mexico has the highest amount of confirmed cases as well as the highest death toll doesn't really mean anything! Mexico is a third world country last time I checked, not like they are rolling in Super Power capitol, you know. Thus most of its citizens are too poor, uneducated, or malnourished in some way, shape, or form to properly combat the famed Swine Flu. Ergo, all those people blaming or avoiding Mexicans are just plain stupid. Not to mention all the pig slaughtering going on! Next time your child gets sick with a cold or fever, do me a favor and slaughter them because I don't want to miss a few days of work, thanks! All of the bulletins issued by the WHO and CDC are just to raise awareness and categorize this event for further reference. We should all think of it as advanced planning when the history books are written, wouldn't want all the facts out of order now would we?

The bottom line is that the Swine Flu :

1) is not transmitted through food...pork is still the other white meat
2) will most likely not kill you if you have contracted it
3) behaves like the flu that we are all used to

And last but not least, in fact MOST importantly

4) infection CAN be prevented if we all just wash our hands frequently, use alcohol based hand sanitizers, cover our mouths when we cough or sneeze...basically, if we all practice proper hygiene and stop walking around like we weren't all raised with enough sense to not be filty, nasty ass people then there is nothing to worry about!

So please, hold on to your heads World, its not the end just yet and when it is I'll be sure to give my scientific input then too. Until then, I'll leave you with food for thought I came acorss on Twitter, "90 people get the swine flu and everybody wants to wear a mask. A million people have AIDS and no one wants to wear a condom...."