Monday, June 29, 2009

Amani Yamilet is...


Soul Cry

The physical act of writing is one that offered me solice on many occasions. For some reason this time around when I need to put my two cents out into the universe, I've decided to blog about it. Maybe I'll end up with some valuable feedback, who knows...

As of late I have been learning more about myself as a person and haven't yet come to terms with my discoveries. Now for anyone who has been following the site, it probably seems as if I'm a hopeless romantic. I mean even I thought I was but now I'm not so sure, maybe?

I have realized that I have come to view the canons and tenants of love as weakness. What is love but a complex concoction of hormones? What is intimacy but a figment of our imaginations? Sex but a biological means to propagate? Get my point? I just can't seem to convince myself that any of it is really necessary. Maybe this is all just my version of self preservation, you know like avoiding pain and heartache. I have no clue.

What I do know is that you cannot miss what you did not have. Seems fair enough considering all the rumors about this love thing and what it can do to people. We have all heard "love makes you do crazy things" and "love hurts" just to throw out a few examples. Wars have even be waged in the name of this love. I rather save myself the trouble if this is the case.

Maybe this makes no sense at all. Maybe I'm just lashing out with displaced anger and frustration. Yea, that's it! I would love to succeed at becoming a doctor that its tearing me down, slowly killing me in the process. But if this is true, then I'm willing to do whatever it takes. Make all the necessary sacrifices and everything. All in the name of my love, right?

Passion so wild, bleeding so free,
Let the crazy Voodoo child be.
Possessed by a racing heart
Life's her bacchanal, her fresh start...